灰尾慧美カラーをお願いしました! 全体が綺麗に染まって、過去一よかった! 対応してくださった方も悩みを相談しやすくて、通い続けたいお店でした! (Translated by Google) I asked for color! The whole thing was d...カラーをお願いしました!
(Translated by Google)
I asked for color!
The whole thing was dyed beautifully and it was the best ever!
The person who helped me was easy to talk to about my concerns, and it was a store I wanted to keep coming to! -
piresu hasヘアスタイルもエステもネイルもスキンケアも全てここでやってまーす! 自分にあった方法のなかから、続けられる価格のものを提案してくださいますので、美を持続できる!(笑) 小顔エステは、すごく効果があっ...ヘアスタイルもエステもネイルもスキンケアも全てここでやってまーす!
(Translated by Google)
Hair styles, beauty treatments, nails, and skin care are all done here!
We will suggest methods that suit you at a price that you can continue with, so you can maintain your beauty! (lol)
The small face beauty treatment is very effective and I like it! -
(Translated by Google)
I have used her twice for facial beauty treatments. The treatment is performed very carefully and carefully. It's a very relaxing and healing time. It's very reassuring because you can definitely feel the effects. I will continue to use you regularly in the future! -
マルピーチカット嫌いの私が毎月通うようになったお店です!髪質に合わせたアドバイスをしていただき、いつも納得のヘアスタイルです! (Translated by Google) I hate haircuts, so this is the shop I go to every month...カット嫌いの私が毎月通うようになったお店です!髪質に合わせたアドバイスをしていただき、いつも納得のヘアスタイルです!
(Translated by Google)
I hate haircuts, so this is the shop I go to every month! She gives me advice tailored to my hair type, and I always end up with a hairstyle that I'm satisfied with! -
鯱旗【しゃち】オープン当初からお世話になっています。 個人の髪質などに合わせて髪型を提案してもらえるプライベートサロンです^_^ (Translated by Google) Thank you for your patronage since we opened. This is a privat...オープン当初からお世話になっています。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your patronage since we opened.
This is a private salon where you can receive hairstyle suggestions based on your individual hair type ^_^ -
白旗麻弥佳いつも夫婦でお世話になってます! 髪型や髪質などの相談もしやすい明るい美容師さんが経営されてます笑 (Translated by Google) Thank you for always taking care of me and my husband! It is run by a cheer...いつも夫婦でお世話になってます!
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for always taking care of me and my husband!
It is run by a cheerful hair stylist who is easy to consult with about hairstyles and hair quality lol -
Rエステで利用させていただきましたが、施術の効果がはっきりわかります! お肌が白く毛穴も小さくなり、小顔効果もあります! 施術後のいい状態が持続するのですごく気に入ってます♪ (Translated by Google) I u...エステで利用させていただきましたが、施術の効果がはっきりわかります!
(Translated by Google)
I used it at a beauty salon, and I can clearly see the effects of the treatment!
Your skin will become whiter, your pores will become smaller, and your face will look smaller!
I really like it because it keeps me in good condition after the treatment.